“How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.”
October 2020: The above quote seems even more true. Like so many around the world, my life has changed in ways big and small since March 2020.
I stepped back from mentorship, manuscript consultation, and editing work in the spring. I’m spending less time with manuscripts, more time with telling stories with objects, images, and archival texts.
As Exhibit and Program Coordinator of the Vernon Museum I now design, curate and program both physical displays, and online resources and virtual exhibits.
I will still be teaching a course or two each year in UBC Okanagan’s amazing Creative Writing Program.
And, I’ve started and stopped another novel approximately 100 times since March. I think that’s called “writing”. Between the design, program curatorial, and teaching work, and my own writing practice, I am not able to take on any new one-on-one mentorships or manuscript consultations at this time — I’ll miss it, but may I be back!
Until then, I wish you well — and that you feel safe, healthy, loved and supported
wherever you are.
If you want to connect, please do drop me a line. xo